
OHSAS 18001 Statement

Occupational Health & Safety (OHSAS) Policy

In our service, we are committed to improving health and safety performance to maintain 0 fatality incident by:

1. Protecting staff from occupational hazards (affecting health and safety) and reduce their possibility of getting injured.

2. Reduce or eliminate occurrence of occupational hazards in the company.

3. Promote solutions that are safe, energy efficient to minimize possible occupational hazards.

4. Comply with legislative current requirements to which we subscribe.

5. Continue to support community and government efforts in OHSAS programmes.

6. Commitment to continual improvement.

The company's OHSAS Policy is reviewed annually to ensure that the policy is relevant to its activities, products and services. The policies are communicated to all employees, publicized in the company notice board and related training courses.

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